Centre tchèque (Bratislava)

Centre tchèque (Bratislava)
Bratislava . Bratislava . Eslováquia
Houses exhibitions of Czech culture - such as art, literature, music, language, movie nights, and other cultural events.

Provides complete information about travel to the Czech Republic, including accommodations, food, and transportation. They also organize presentations about cities and regions in the Czech Republic, which often held in the Czech Embassy.

Despite the similarities between the Czech and Slovak language, the Czech Centre has taken the time to translate their website into Czech and Slovak.
Partagé par: Cristina Nascimento Pas encore de commentaires
Vues: 3638
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Coordonnées GPS
Lat : 48.14155   -   Lon : 17.107579999999984
N48° 8' 29.58 "       E17° 6' 27.287999999942"
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Centre tchèque (Bratislava)
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