Donauturm (Wien)

Donauturm (Wien)
Viena . Vienna (state) . Áustria
826 feet high, with two express elevators taking you to the rotating restaurant for a splendid view (at 564 feet) within 35 seconds: this is the Danube Tower, one of the landmarks of Vienna.

From the top, enjoy an excellent view of Vienna's old city and the Vienna Woods, as well as the environs of the city, weather permitting. The Danube Tower was built in 1964 on the occasion of the Vienna International Garden Show, of which the Danube Park is a lasting reminder. In the park, large meadows, extensive jogging paths, playgrounds and pretty flower beds form a lovely environment in which to relax.

Opening hours

Panoramic terrace and lift daily, 10:00 - 00:00

Geteilt von: Cristina Nascimento Noch keine Kommentare
Ansichten: 3925
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Lat : 48.24034469999999   -   Lon : 16.40987389999998
N48° 14' 25.240919999964 "       E16° 24' 35.546039999928"
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