Kazerne Dossin - Memoriale

Kazerne Dossin - Memoriale
Mechelen . Antwerpen (province) . Bélgica
The Kazerne Dossin – Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights is a museum in Mechelen, Flanders, Belgium, which was established on the site of a German assembly camp where Jews and Gypsies were gathered before being taken to concentration camps to the east.

During World War II, this camp was operated by the Schutzstaffel and between 1942 and 1944, 25,484 Jews and 352 Romanis were transported to the concentration camps in the east. Two- thirds of them were killed upon arrival. By the time of the liberation, only 1,221 people had survived.

A former infantry barracks was partially renovated for civil housing and, upon the Flemish Government, the Province of Antwerp and the City of Mechelen's financing the purchase of the ground floor and the basement of the right wing, in 1996 this building became the site of the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, later renamed.

The former Jewish Museum covered the following aspects of the Final Solution in Belgium and Europe:

The rise of the extreme right in Belgium and abroad.
The antisemitic policies imposed by occupying Germany.
The Jewish resistance and hiding of children.
The deportation of the Belgian Jews in convoys.

In 2001, the Flemish Government decided to expand the site by constructing a new museum complex opposite the old barracks. It opened its doors in September 2012 under its present name,
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Coordinate GPS
Lat : 51.034161   -   Lon : 4.478549
N51° 2' 2.9796 "       E4° 28' 42.7764"
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