Buckle Holiday Park


Buckle Holiday Park

Camping Park
Your cooperation is very important.
Buckle Holiday Park, Marine Parade, Seaford BN25 2QR, Reino Unido Seaford South East England
Average price: Between 10 & 20 Eur
Capacity for MotorHomes: +25 Places
Roof: Uncovered (Outdoor)
Exclusive to MotorHomes: No
Floor of: Grass
Secluded: No
Security: Very Good
Latitude: 50.780408 - Longitude: 0.080874
 GRAUS:  50 º 46' 49.469"     -      0 º 4' 51.146"
Telefone: +44 1323 897801
The park is set out on level grassland with individually marked pitches of a generous size and benefits from a coastal location with our own private access to the blue flag awarded beach at Seaford bay. We offer either electric or non electric hook ups for caravans and motor homes with a separate area available for tents.
Shared by: Cristina Novais
Views: 2230 Since: 2019-02-03


  Allows Overnight (Day and Night)
  Wastewater discharge
  Black water discharge
  Waste Disposal
  Water supply


  Town / City Center

Activities nearby

  Water sports
  Bars and Restaurants
  Thematic parks
What to visit nearby: Buckle Holiday Park
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Nearby restaurants of: Buckle Holiday Park
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