Camping Dordogne The Cigaline 3 stars


Camping Dordogne The Cigaline 3 stars

Camping Park
Your cooperation is very important.
4 Rue de la Paix, 24700 Montpon-Ménestérol, França Saint-Rémy Nova-Aquitânia
Average price: Between 10 & 20 Eur
Capacity for MotorHomes: +25 Places
Roof: Uncovered (Outdoor)
Exclusive to MotorHomes: No
Floor of: Grass
Secluded: No
Security: Very Good
Latitude: 45.012617 - Longitude: 0.157253
 GRAUS:  45 º 0' 45.421"     -      0 º 9' 26.111"
Telefone: +33 5 53 80 22 16
located to the west of the White Périgord, where the natural setting and tranquillity ensure you an enjoyable holiday with your family or friends. Nestled along the lush river bank of the Isle River, the campsite offers you the exceptional quality of service and friendly reception that the Dordogne area is known
Shared by: Cristina Novais
Views: 1626 Since: 2018-09-04


  Allows Overnight (Day and Night)
  Wastewater discharge
  Black water discharge
  Waste Disposal
  Water supply
  Animals accepted
  Swimming Pool


  Town / City Center
  River Beach

Activities nearby

  Bars and Restaurants
What to visit nearby: Camping Dordogne The Cigaline 3 stars
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