Camping Du Pont


Camping Du Pont

Ihre Zusammenarbeit ist sehr wichtig.
Camping Municipal Du Pont, Le Pont, 24350 Lisle, França Chapelle-Gonaguet Nova-Aquitânia
Durchschnittspreis: Zwischen 10 & 20 Eur
Dach: Ungedeckt (Outdoor)
Exklusiv für Wohnmobile: Nicht
Boden von: Gras
Abgeschieden: Nicht
Sicherheit: Sehr gut
Latitude: 45.281447 - Longitude: 0.539274
 GRAUS:  45 º 16' 53.209"     -      0 º 32' 21.386"
Telefone: +33 5 53 04 65 80
Situated in the Dordogne département (24) which is found within the beautiful Aquitaine region, Camping du Pont, Lisle has a lot to offer.

Camping du Pont, Lisle is a small but friendly site, close to the village and offers river beach swimming, a full range of restaurants, bars and shops.
While it's almost a shame to leave them, with long open roads leading to nearby villages and markets there are many day trips not to be missed. it's all part of experiencing an authentic slice of France.
Geteilt von: Cristina Novais
Ansichten: 2040 Schon seit: 2018-10-31


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