Camping*** Ile de faigneul


Camping*** Ile de faigneul

Ваше сотрудничество очень важно.
Rue de la Chérizelle 8, 6830 Bouillon, Bélgica Bouillon Valônia
Средняя цена: Между 20 & 30 Eur
Мощность для автодомов: +25 места
крыша: Открытая (Наружная)
Эксклюзив для MotorHomes: Нет
Этаж: трава
уединенный: Нет
Безопасность: Отлично
Latitude: 49.815890 - Longitude: 5.015838
 GRAUS:  49 º 48' 57.204"     -      5 º 0' 57.016"
Telefone: +32 478 96 12 40
CAMPING DURING THE LOW SEASON, nice and calm, you will only hear the birds and the rippling of water. Every now and then you can hear a splash from a fish, otter, raccoon or beaver in the river Semois.
Ducks and swans are fond of the island as well. In the evening you can have a delicious barbecue and enjoy the afterglow of a small fire. Of course it is also possible to enjoy a drink in the bar, which is only closed on Sunday during the low season.

DURING THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS it is comfortably busy with many families with kids. A lively campsite, kids playing in the playground, young and old frolicking near the waterfront and content guests on the terrace and in the bar.
The river is not deep, but it is possible to let yourself float downriver on an air mattress or rubber boat.
There is no animation team, but every now and then there are various activities for young and old, and sometimes the campsite guest will help organise them.
Поделился: Cristina Novais
мнения: 2682 поскольку: 2019-02-04


  Позволяет ночевать (день и ночь)
  Сброс сточных вод
  Выгрузка черной воды
  Сброс мусора
  Принимаются животные
  Площадь игры


  Центр города
  Пляжный пляж

Отдых и развлечения

  Бары и рестораны
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