Camping le Fiscalou


Camping le Fiscalou

Ваше сотрудничество очень важно.
D1, 81140 Puycelsi, França Puycelsi Occitânia
Средняя цена: Между 10 & 20 Eur
Мощность для автодомов: +25 места
крыша: Открытая (Наружная)
Эксклюзив для MotorHomes: Нет
Этаж: трава
уединенный: Да
Безопасность: Хорошо
Latitude: 43.991518 - Longitude: 1.650535
 GRAUS:  43 º 59' 29.464"     -      1 º 39' 1.926"
is situated in the Midi-Pyrénées (Tarn), in the green region of Quercy. It is close to several villages classified as “most beautiful villages of France”, like Puycelsi found at the foot of the vineyards of Gaillac and gorges of Aveyron. It is also only 30 minutes away from Montauban and less than an hour away from Toulouse. You’ll be welcomed to an unspoilt area, at the heart of a leafy forrest, in a region renowned for its numerous days of sunshine and its pleasant summer temperature. This is the place where you can enjoy your holiday at your own pace, in accordance with the naturist values. Pitch your tent or roll your caravan into one of our spacious lots, in the shade or in the sun, at your own convenience. Or, you can choose to put your luggage in one of our fully equipped tents, caravans or cottages! You might even want to try out one of our brand new, fully equipped tents. There are activities for all tastes, wether you want to relax or join in the recreational activities on our grounds, roam around the countryside and discover the historical and gastronomical sites of the region.
Поделился: Cristina Novais
мнения: 1863 поскольку: 2018-09-01


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