Camping Port sand Arzon


Camping Port sand Arzon

Votre coopération est très importante.
Camping Port sand Arzon, 20 Chemin de Toulassais, 56640 Arzon, França Arzon Bretanha
Prix ​​moyen: Entre 10 & 20 Eur
Capacité pour MotorHomes: +25 Lieux
Toit: Découvert (extérieur)
Exclusif à MotorHomes: Non
Plancher de: Herbe
Isolé: Non
Sécurité: Bon
Latitude: 47.543917 - Longitude: -2.910685
 GRAUS:  47 º 32' 38.101"     -      -2 º 54' 38.465"
Telefone: +33 2 97 53 71 98
The Port Sable campsite is located at Port Navalo point, facing the sea. The site features direct access to the sea, and there’s a coastal path nearby that runs alongside the coastline to the port of Couestry – as lively in the daytime as it is in the evening with bars, restaurants, casinos and stores. The nearby Port Navalo marks the boundary between the ocean and the Gulf of Morbihan and is the starting point for holidaymakers touring the Gulf region or making their way to the nearby islands. The campsite’s 190 well-equipped plots are surrounded by pine trees. There are also children’s games, volleyball and pétanque (boules) courts, table tennis tables, a laundry, and two washroom blocks.
Partagé par: Cristina Novais
Vues: 1892 Depuis: 2018-11-02


  Permet Nuit (jour et nuit)
  Évacuation des eaux usées
  Décharge d´eau noire
  Décharge d´ordures
  Approvisionnement du l´eau
  Cour de récréation


  Centre ville

Activités à proximité

  Sports nautiques
  Disco Dancing
  Bars et restaurants
Que visiter à proximité: Camping Port sand Arzon
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Restaurants à proximité de: Camping Port sand Arzon
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