Camping Torino Mill Park


Camping Torino Mill Park

Ihre Zusammenarbeit ist sehr wichtig.
Via Molino, 29, 10040 Caselette TO, Itália Caselette Piemonte
Durchschnittspreis: Zwischen 10 & 20 Eur
Kapazität für Wohnmobile: +25 Orte
Dach: Ungedeckt (Outdoor)
Exklusiv für Wohnmobile: Nicht
Boden von: Gras
Abgeschieden: Nicht
Sicherheit: Sehr gut
Latitude: 45.102714 - Longitude: 7.481647
 GRAUS:  45 º 6' 9.770"     -      7 º 28' 53.929"
Telefone: +39 011 968 8285
We are located at the foot of Mount Musinè, and at the entrance of Val di Susa and 15Km from Turin; this makes our privileged position both for visiting Turin and for visiting Avigliana with its two lakes, one of which is bathing, the Sacra di San Michele and numerous other sites of considerable historical and architectural interest in the valley. But you can also spend time relaxing and quiet in the green and lush landscape of the foothills area.
Geteilt von: Cristina Novais
Ansichten: 1996 Schon seit: 2019-01-23


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