Euro Camping Emirates Tourist Center Azrou Ifrane


Euro Camping Emirates Tourist Center Azrou Ifrane

Votre coopération est très importante.
Euro Camping Emirates Tourist Center Azrou Ifrane, N8, Marrocos AZROU Fez-Meknès
Prix ​​moyen: Moins que 10 Eur
Capacité pour MotorHomes: +25 Lieux
Toit: Découvert (extérieur)
Exclusif à MotorHomes: Non
Plancher de: Terre
Isolé: Non
Sécurité: Très bon
Latitude: 33.444459 - Longitude: -5.191748
 GRAUS:  33 º 26' 40.052"     -      -5 º 11' 30.292"
Telefone: +212 669-641991
Visitors from around the world flock to the city of Ifrane to absorb its rich history, in the footsteps of snow. Camping, in his quiet, offers a soothing view of the nature, seen from the bottom of the Middle Atlas . Azrou's attractions are too numerous to mention, but the top of the list must include a trip to Ifrane, and a visit to see the beautiful architecture of waterfalls and lakes all nearby. If you have time, why dont you visit the biggest tree in Africa, cedar GOUREAUT. Shopping paradise , Azrou has everything you need, whatever your budget. Freedom dynamic markets .. Ifrane is a gourmet 's dream ! Boasting a wide range of great restaurants, cofee shops & juice bars, you can discover the world cooking culture without leaving the city ! In addition to the fantastic nightlife , a vibrant art scene , music and cultural festivals .. Camping here is the ideal choice if you are looking for a family vacation , romantic weekend , activity or breaking fun days . Our Camping offers many activities with major attractions nearby, and your camping experience wouldn't be complete if you miss visiting the two cities located just next door. No matter what season it is, Emirates Tourist Center would be the opportunity that suits the whole family.
Partagé par: Cristina Novais
Vues: 2714 Depuis: 2019-01-07


  Permet Nuit (jour et nuit)
  Évacuation des eaux usées
  Décharge d´eau noire
  Décharge d´ordures
  Approvisionnement du l´eau


  Centre ville

Activités à proximité

  Bars et restaurants
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Euro Camping Emirates Tourist Center Azrou Ifrane
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