Park Farm Caravan and Camping


Park Farm Caravan and Camping

Votre coopération est très importante.
Park Farm Play Barn, Bodiam, Robertsbridge TN32 5XD, Reino Unido Bodiam South East England
Prix ​​moyen: Entre 20 & 30 Eur
Capacité pour MotorHomes: +25 Lieux
Toit: Découvert (extérieur)
Exclusif à MotorHomes: Non
Plancher de: Herbe
Isolé: Non
Sécurité: Très bon
Latitude: 50.993176 - Longitude: 0.518417
 GRAUS:  50 º 59' 35.433"     -      0 º 31' 6.301"
Telefone: +44 1580 831982
The Park Farm camp grounds here in the South of England are perfect for people like you who want the freedom to pitch anywhere, have campfires, follow walking trails, go fishing, or just get away with a group of your camper friends. The Park Farm camp ground in East Sussex is close to the Kent border in an idyllic setting of 18 acres of rich farming land set aside for the camp site; with an additional 50 acres for private functions. That means plenty of space for families and groups; and space for motor homes, caravans, and camper vans.
Partagé par: Cristina Novais
Vues: 1857 Depuis: 2019-01-06


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Park Farm Caravan and Camping
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