Playa de Cala Sardina


Playa de Cala Sardina

Free Parking Area
Your cooperation is very important.
Ctra. Cádiz-Málaga, 55, 11360 San Roque, Cádiz, Espanha São Roque Andaluzia
Average price: Free
Capacity for MotorHomes: 6-15 Places
Roof: Uncovered (Outdoor)
Exclusive to MotorHomes: No
Floor of: Ground
Secluded: No
Security: Good
Latitude: 36.309774 - Longitude: -5.259458
 GRAUS:  36 º 18' 35.186"     -      -5 º 15' 34.049"
Parque livre junto à praia
Shared by: Walesca Alves
Views: 2014 Since: 2018-05-10


  Allows Overnight (Day and Night)
  Animals accepted



Activities nearby

What to visit nearby: Playa de Cala Sardina
Nearby restaurants of: Playa de Cala Sardina
Unfortunately we do not have information for restaurants near this location